Brieffreundschaften USA :
Brieffreunde finden in Amerika
die persönliche und private und regelmäßige Kontaktierung von zwei Personen über den großen Teich durch den Austausch von Briefen , Faxen , Voicemail oder Webcam, oder durch das Internet eine Email versenden.
Eine Brieffreundschaft mit einer Uni
Im Falle einer Email sind die Arten der Brieffreundschaft erweitert, da mehrere Personen gleichzeitig an der Konversation teilhaben können und über Internet Foren leichter Brieffreundschaften zu Themen gefunden werden können.
In der Schule oder Uni werden Brieffreundschaften oft unter pädagogischen Gesichtspunkten . Neben dem Erlernen mit der eigenen oder einer Fremdsprache steht die Erweiterung durch Kennenlernen von Sitten und Kulturen anderer Länder und Staaten nichts im Wege.
Briefwechsel mit Gefangenen
Hier ein Beispiel, über geängnisse der USA:
USA Briefwechsel
Unter einer Brieffreundschaft versteht man den regelmässigen Briefwechsel befreundeter oder sich nahestehender Personen, die meist weit voneinander entfernt leben. Diese Usa Greencard Seite versorgt Sie mit vielen interessanten Fachartikeln und einer menge Linkempfehlungen.
Wenn Sie eine Brieffreundschaft in den USA bzw. Amerika suchen können sie zum Beispiel auch Gefängnis Insassen schreiben, für jene gibt es eine Menge Vermittlungsbüros weltweit zur Kontaktierung von gefangenen in Amerika.Darunter befinden sich auch Kandidaten aus den Todestrakten der Staatsgefängnisse.
Sie können natürlich auch eines der vielen Pal Pan Foren nutzen für Brieffreundschaften.
Mehr Anleitungen und Tipps zum Auswandern und den USA:
- Tipps zur Jobsuche in den USA
- Smalltalk Tipps für Amerika
- Deutsch-amerikanische Beziehungen – ein Überblick
- Übersicht – Verkehrsmittel in den USA
- Grundwissen zum politischen System der USA
- Fernsehen in den USA
Mustervorlagen für Briefe und Brieffreunde, finden Sie auf, das Portal für Briefe.
Über uns
- US-Führerschein umschreiben lassen – die wichtigsten Infos und Fristen - 17. Dezember 2024
- Wie funktioniert eigentlich das Wählen in den USA? - 3. Oktober 2024
- Wer ist Kamala Harris? - 13. September 2024
Hey, my name is laura I´m from germay and I´m 15 years old and I´m looking for a pen pal in America (USA) If you want to writte me an e-mail do is :
Hey, my name is manuela I´m from germany and I´m 14 years old.I´m looking for a pen pal in America (USA).If you want to write me an e-mail do it:
my name is Kathy and i´m looking for an Pen Pal oder email-friendship in America (USA). I´m 24 years old and live in Germany.
If you want to write me, here is my emails adress:
hi,my name is conny i`m from germany ,and iàm looking for a pen pal or e-mail frienschip!writr me an my e-mail addy
hi, my name is justin I´m from germany and I´m 14 years old
and looking for a pen pal in Amerika (USA) If you want write me an e-mail
bey bey
my e-mai adress is i searsh a letterfriend
hey, I’m Henny and I’m from Germany too. I’m looking for a pen pal to getting better in english and to find new friends. Hope You can help me and someone will write an e-mail
my e-mail address:
Hi, my name is Nicola(female), I\\\’m 14 years old and from Germany. I\\\’m looking for a pen pal from America (USA). IF you wanna write an e-mail, do it:
Hey, my name is kevin I´m from offenburg (Germany) and I´m 14 years old.I´m looking for a pen pal in America (USA).If you want to write me an e-mail ?
my e-mail is
my name is Jaqueline, I’m from Bretten, it’s a little town in Germany, and I’m looking for a pen pal from England or America.
I’m 17 years old, by the way 😛
That’s my email address:
Please write an email to me 🙂
Thanks! 🙂
Hi !!! i am amanda from germany and 17 Years old . i am searching for a pan pal in america !!! i want to learn more english and want speak about everything !! if you are interested please send me an e- mail !! e-mail :
I answer every e-mail !!!
hey my name is anne and i´m 13 years old I search you to write with me 🙂
I want to go to new york so I need someone who want to go to freiburg in germany 🙂 please write me :
hey my name is Janine, I’m from adelebsen, it’s a little town in Germany, and I’m looking for a pen pal from America.if you want ti writte me and e-mail do it
my e-mail is please writte me
hey my nem is Jelena i’m from germany and i’m at the 9th class. I’m looking for a pen pal from amerika, cause i want to go to amerika after school. I really like the langurage(sp?) and want to learn more,not just about the langurage.
I’ll be very happy if you could write me and we could become friends. ^-^
so if you want us to become friends please write me:
my nickname at school is lucy so you can call me like this too. ^-^
Hi, i am Lena, called Lee, and i am 13 years old. I´m from Germany, Deggendorf, that´s a little town in Bavaria. When you want to write to me in letters or emails, so write to
Hello 🙂
My Name is Kjara I’m from Germany and I’m 11 years old.
I’m looking for a pen pal in America in my age. My English isn’t so good yet, but my older sister will help me to write 😀
Maybe you want to write to me 🙂 My mail-address is:
Best greetings from Germany
Hey I am Berni 16 years from Austria!
I want to improve my english and geht in touch with people from other countries so i would like to have an email friend (m or w) from the US.
It would be great if you are 16-17 years old!
If want to contact me ->
Hey, my name is Lisa and I am from Germany. I\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\’m 12 years old and I am a very big fan of Walk The Moon. I have 2 Tumblr blogs too. So I\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\’m looking for a pen pal in America, Canada or Austria. Well, if you want to write with me on e-mail ( so let me know (: by the way I am an asian :DD
hello imy name is jonas from germany and i´m looking for a pen pal in usa
please write me on my E-Mail
Hey my name is Sebastian but you can call me Sebi and i’m 14 years old. I am from Germany -> Munich.
I am searching an pen pal in Texas -> Dallas or somewhere else. Because my big dream is it to travel to Dallas with my Friend. I have allot of questinos. My hobbys are Breakdance Mountainbiken and so on..
It will be great if somebody is interested to contact me my e-mail is . I also have Skype (sebastian.schropp) and Facebook (Sebi Schropp)
Best greetings from Ge
Hey ^^,
My Name is Katy and i’m searching for an email-friendship in the USA. I’m 16 years old. Here’s my email: .
I am looking forward to a reply
HI my name is Kim and Iam looking for a pen pal from the USA:)
Writte to me :
What’s up? 😀
My name is Isabelle Alysia, and I searching for a pen pal or e-mail friendship. I’m 15 Years old and I live in Germany.
When you interested than please write me 🙂
Hey 🙂 My name is Svenja Schuchmann and i’m from germany. I’m a 18 years old girl. My hobby is riding and i love pets. I’m searching for a letterfriend in the USA because i love america and i want to travel to the USA. But for this my englisch must be better and because of this i’m searching for a letterfriend. I think it’s the nicest form of learning a language.
So if you are interestet to writing with my than write me an email to:
Lovely wishes
Your svenja
Hi 😀
My name is Laura. I’m 12 Years old an I live in a little town in north of Germany.
I speak German and Danish and have English since three years 🙂
I’m looking for a pen pal in USA 😀
If you want to write to me, my mail address is
My name is Viki and I\\\’m from Germany. I\\\’m 17 years old and i would be happy to have a pen pal from the USA, because i think it is a good experience and i want to get better in English 😀
I have Facebook and E-Mail. so write me :)–>
Hello my Name is Salome I know crazy . Well I’m 15 years old and live in Munich in Germany. I’m looking for a pen pal from the USA. Because I want to improve my english and I think it would be funny to have one. Besides I could help you to improve your German . Just write me
Hello, I am Evelin and I am 54 years old. I live in Leipzig in Germany. I am looking for nice people for a letter or mail friendship to improve my English.